Gabi, a Girl in Pieces

by Isabel Quintero

Gabi, a girl in pieces

Gabi's high school life life is stressful. She faces many external struggles like her father's meth addiction, a friend's pregnancy, another friend's sexuality struggles, and her own body image issues, all the while helping or hurting her relationships.

I loved Gabi's personality from her vulnerability, her loyalism, and her fierceness. I also loved the author's interpretation of Gabi's bilingualism. Gabi's fluency goes so far so that she feels confident in it. When she paraphrases a meaning or expands upon a sentence in different languages, it adds an extra layer of authenticity to her character.

I would recommend this book to anyone who has any form of doubts surrounding their relationships, whether it be with with family, friends, or lovers. Gabi shares her vulnerable parts, so it doesn't make one feel uncomfortable for having their own intrusive thoughts or insecurities. For me, it made me feel validated to have second thoughts or "what if" moments. Definitely worth a second read!

Lucia, 14


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